Unlocking the Power of CacheStatistics: A Step-by-Step Guide to Getting Attributes in Ehcache 3.10.8
Image by Tassie - hkhazo.biz.id

Unlocking the Power of CacheStatistics: A Step-by-Step Guide to Getting Attributes in Ehcache 3.10.8

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As a developer, you understand the importance of optimizing your application’s performance. One crucial aspect of this is leveraging caching to reduce the load on your database and improve response times. Ehcache, a popular open-source caching framework, has made significant strides in its latest version 3.10.8. In this article, we’ll dive into the world of CacheStatistics and explore how to get attributes in Ehcache 3.10.8, empowering you to make data-driven decisions and fine-tune your caching strategy.

What are CacheStatistics Attributes?

Before we dive into the “how,” let’s take a step back and understand what CacheStatistics attributes are. CacheStatistics provides metrics about the performance and usage of your cache. These attributes offer valuable insights into the inner workings of your cache, helping you identify areas of improvement and optimize your caching configuration. Some of the key CacheStatistics attributes include:

  • Cache hits and misses
  • Cache size and capacity
  • Average latency and response times
  • Eviction rates and policies
  • Cache expiration and timeout rates

Why are CacheStatistics Attributes Important?

So, why is it crucial to get CacheStatistics attributes in Ehcache 3.10.8? The answer lies in the power of data-driven decision-making. By gaining insight into your cache’s performance, you can:

  • Optimize cache configuration for improved performance
  • Identify and troubleshoot performance bottlenecks
  • Make informed decisions about cache expiration and eviction policies
  • Improve overall application performance and reduce latency

Getting CacheStatistics Attributes in Ehcache 3.10.8

Now that we’ve covered the “what” and “why,” let’s get our hands dirty and explore how to get CacheStatistics attributes in Ehcache 3.10.8. There are two primary ways to achieve this:

Method 1: Using the Ehcache API

The Ehcache API provides a programmatic way to access CacheStatistics attributes. You can use the `getCacheManager()` method to retrieve an instance of the `CacheManager` interface, which exposes the `getCacheStatistics()` method. This method returns a `CacheStatistics` object, which contains the attributes we’re interested in.

// Get the CacheManager instance
 CacheManager cacheManager = CacheManager.newInstance();

// Get the Cache instance
 Cache<String, String> cache = cacheManager.getCache("myCache");

// Get the CacheStatistics instance
 CacheStatistics cacheStatistics = cache.getCacheStatistics();

// Print the CacheStatistics attributes
 System.out.println("Cache hits: " + cacheStatistics.getCacheHits());
 System.out.println("Cache misses: " + cacheStatistics.getCacheMisses());
 System.out.println("Cache size: " + cacheStatistics.getCacheSize());

Method 2: Using JMX (Java Management Extensions)

JMX provides a standardized way to monitor and manage Java applications. Ehcache exposes its CacheStatistics attributes as JMX MBeans, allowing you to access them using a JMX client or a monitoring tool like VisualVM.

To access CacheStatistics attributes using JMX, you’ll need to:

  1. Enable JMX in your Ehcache configuration file (ehcache.xml)
  2. Use a JMX client or monitoring tool to connect to the Ehcache MBean
  3. Navigate to the `net.sf.ehcache.CacheManager` MBean and retrieve the `CacheStatistics` attributes

Here’s an example of how to enable JMX in your ehcache.xml file:


  <cache name="myCache"


Visualizing CacheStatistics Attributes with VisualVM

VisualVM is a powerful monitoring tool that provides a graphical interface to visualize JMX MBeans, including Ehcache’s CacheStatistics attributes. To access CacheStatistics attributes in VisualVM:

  1. Launch VisualVM and create a new JMX connection to your Ehcache instance
  2. Navigate to the `net.sf.ehcache.CacheManager` MBean and expand the `CacheStatistics` node
  3. Select the desired CacheStatistics attribute and click the “Chart” button to visualize the data
CacheStatistics Attribute Description
Cache Hits The number of cache hits, indicating the number of times the cache returned a valid result.
Cache Misses The number of cache misses, indicating the number of times the cache did not return a valid result.
Cache Size The current size of the cache, measured in bytes or elements.
Average Latency The average time taken to retrieve data from the cache, measured in milliseconds.


In this article, we’ve explored the world of CacheStatistics attributes in Ehcache 3.10.8 and demonstrated two methods to access them: using the Ehcache API and JMX. By leveraging these attributes, you can gain valuable insights into your cache’s performance, optimize your caching configuration, and improve overall application performance. Remember, data-driven decision-making is key to unlocking the full potential of your caching strategy.

Get started today and unlock the power of CacheStatistics attributes in Ehcache 3.10.8!

Here is the formatted HTML for 5 Questions and Answers about “How to get CacheStatistics attributes in latest ehcache version 3.10.8”:

Frequently Asked Question

Get the inside scoop on accessing CacheStatistics attributes in the latest ehcache version 3.10.8!

What is the replacement for CacheManager.getCacheStatistics() in ehcache 3.10.8?

In ehcache 3.10.8, you need to use Cache.getRuntimeConfiguration().getStatistics() to get the CacheStatistics attributes. The CacheManager.getCacheStatistics() method is deprecated and no longer available in the latest version.

How do I get the hit ratio of a cache in ehcache 3.10.8?

To get the hit ratio of a cache, you can use Cache.getRuntimeConfiguration().getStatistics().getCacheHitRatio(). This will give you the hit ratio of the cache as a decimal value between 0 and 1.

What is the difference between Cache.getRuntimeConfiguration().getStatistics() and Cache.getStatistics()

Cache.getRuntimeConfiguration().getStatistics() returns the statistics of the cache at runtime, including the hit ratio, miss count, and other dynamic statistics. On the other hand, Cache.getStatistics() returns the static configuration of the cache, which does not include dynamic statistics.

Can I use JMX to access CacheStatistics attributes in ehcache 3.10.8?

Yes, you can use JMX to access CacheStatistics attributes in ehcache 3.10.8. Ehcache provides JMX MBeans for cache statistics, which can be accessed using a JMX client or a monitoring tool like VisualVM.

Are there any third-party libraries that provide an easier way to access CacheStatistics attributes in ehcache 3.10.8?

Yes, there are several third-party libraries available that provide an easier way to access CacheStatistics attributes in ehcache 3.10.8. For example, you can use the ehcache-jmx library, which provides a simpler API for accessing cache statistics. Additionally, some monitoring tools like New Relic and AppDynamics also provide integrations with ehcache to access cache statistics.

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