Filter Loki Logs in Grafana by Daily Time Range: A Step-by-Step Guide
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Filter Loki Logs in Grafana by Daily Time Range: A Step-by-Step Guide

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As a DevOps engineer, you’re constantly monitoring your application’s performance and logs to ensure everything is running smoothly. However, with millions of log lines pouring in every minute, finding the needle in the haystack can be a daunting task. That’s where Grafana and Loki come into play. In this article, we’ll explore how to filter Loki logs in Grafana by daily time range, making your log analysis a breeze.


Before we dive into the tutorial, make sure you have:

  • Grafana installed and running on your system (download if you haven’t already)
  • Loki installed and integrated with Grafana (learn more about Loki and its integration with Grafana)
  • A basic understanding of Grafana and Loki (if you’re new to these tools, take some time to familiarize yourself with their UI and features)

Understanding Loki Logs

In Loki, logs are stored in a scalable and efficient manner, allowing for fast querying and filtering. Each log line consists of:

  • timestamp: the time when the log event occurred
  • logger: the source of the log (e.g., application, service, or pod)
  • level: the log level (e.g., INFO, WARN, ERROR)
  • message: the actual log message

These fields are essential in filtering and analyzing your logs effectively.

Filtering Loki Logs by Daily Time Range

Now, let’s get to the meat of the article – filtering Loki logs by daily time range using Grafana. Follow these steps:

Step 1: Create a New Dashboard

In Grafana, navigate to the top-left corner and click on the “+” icon to create a new dashboard.

Step 2: Add a Loki Panel

In your new dashboard, click the “+” icon in the top-right corner and select “Add panel”. Choose “Loki” as the data source and click “Apply”.

Step 3: Configure the Loki Panel

In the Loki panel, navigate to the “Query” tab and enter the following query:

range_query('your_prometheus_instance', '{namespace="your_namespace", job="your_job"}', '1d')


  • your_prometheus_instance: with your actual Prometheus instance name
  • your_namespace: with your actual namespace (e.g., “dev”, “prod”, etc.)
  • your_job: with your actual job name (e.g., “app”, “service”, etc.)

This query fetches logs from the last 24 hours (1 day) for the specified namespace and job.

Step 4: Filter Logs by Daily Time Range

In the same “Query” tab, click the “Filter” button next to the “Range” field. A dropdown menu will appear.

Select ” Daily” from the dropdown menu, and then choose the desired daily time range (e.g., “Yesterday”, “Today”, “Last 7 days”, etc.).

Click “Apply” to apply the filter.

Step 5: Visualize Your Logs

In the “Visualization” tab, choose the desired visualization for your logs (e.g., “Table”, “List”, “Graph”, etc.).

For this example, choose the “Table” visualization.

Step 6: Review and Refine Your Results

Now, review your filtered logs in the table visualization. You can further refine your results by adding more filters, such as:

  • Logger: filter by specific loggers (e.g., application, service, or pod)
  • Level: filter by log levels (e.g., INFO, WARN, ERROR)
  • Message: filter by specific keywords or regex patterns

Use the Columns dropdown menu to customize the columns displayed in your table visualization.

Tips and Variations

Here are some additional tips and variations to help you get the most out of filtering Loki logs by daily time range:

Filter by Hourly Time Range

Instead of filtering by daily time range, you can filter by hourly time range by modifying the query:

range_query('your_prometheus_instance', '{namespace="your_namespace", job="your_job"}', '1h')

This query fetches logs from the last hour.

Filter by Custom Time Range

Use the “Custom” option in the “Range” field to specify a custom time range. For example:

range_query('your_prometheus_instance', '{namespace="your_namespace", job="your_job"}', '2d')

This query fetches logs from the last 48 hours.

Use Templates

Grafana provides templates that can help you create reusable dashboards. Create a template for your Loki panel and reuse it across multiple dashboards.

Integrate with Other Data Sources

Loki integrates seamlessly with other data sources, such as Prometheus, Elasticsearch, and more. Experiment with combining data from multiple sources to gain deeper insights.


Filtering Loki logs by daily time range in Grafana is a powerful way to analyze and troubleshoot your application’s performance. By following this step-by-step guide, you can create a customized dashboard that meets your specific needs. Remember to experiment with different filters, visualizations, and data sources to unlock the full potential of Grafana and Loki.

Keyword Description
Filter Loki logs Filtering Loki logs in Grafana to narrow down log lines based on specific criteria.
Daily time range A time range filter option in Grafana that fetches logs from the last 24 hours.
Loki panel A dashboard panel in Grafana that displays Loki logs.
Range query A Loki query that fetches logs within a specified time range.

Happy logging!

Frequently Asked Question

Get ready to dive into the world of Loki logs in Grafana and master the art of filtering by daily time range!

How do I filter Loki logs in Grafana by a specific daily time range?

To filter Loki logs in Grafana by a specific daily time range, you can use the `time` function along with the `range` function. For example, to filter logs for the last 24 hours, you can use the following query: `{job=”my_job”} |= “my_pattern” | time > ago(24h)`. This will show you only the logs from the last 24 hours that match the specified pattern.

Can I filter Loki logs by a specific time range within a day, such as between 9am and 5pm?

Yes, you can! To filter Loki logs by a specific time range within a day, you can use the `hour` function along with the `>`, `<`, `>=` or `<=` operators. For example, to filter logs between 9am and 5pm, you can use the following query: `{job="my_job"} |= "my_pattern" | hour >= 9 and hour < 17`. This will show you only the logs that match the specified pattern and fall within the specified time range.

How do I filter Loki logs to show only the logs from the previous day?

To filter Loki logs to show only the logs from the previous day, you can use the `yesterday` function. For example, you can use the following query: `{job=”my_job”} |= “my_pattern” | time > yesterday and time <= now()`. This will show you only the logs from the previous day that match the specified pattern.

Can I filter Loki logs by a specific time range across multiple days?

Yes, you can! To filter Loki logs by a specific time range across multiple days, you can use the `time` function along with the `>`, `<`, `>=` or `<=` operators. For example, to filter logs from 2 days ago to 1 day ago, you can use the following query: `{job="my_job"} |= "my_pattern" | time > ago(2d) and time <= ago(1d)`. This will show you only the logs that match the specified pattern and fall within the specified time range.

How do I filter Loki logs to show only the logs from a specific date range?

To filter Loki logs to show only the logs from a specific date range, you can use the `time` function along with the `>`, `<`, `>=` or `<=` operators. For example, to filter logs from January 1st, 2022 to January 10th, 2022, you can use the following query: `{job="my_job"} |= "my_pattern" | time >= 1640995200 and time <= 1641814400`. This will show you only the logs that match the specified pattern and fall within the specified date range. Note that you need to convert the date range to Unix timestamps.