Where Should I Place “Business Logic” When Using MongoDB?
Image by Tassie - hkhazo.biz.id

Where Should I Place “Business Logic” When Using MongoDB?

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When it comes to building applications with MongoDB, one of the most common questions developers ask is: “Where should I put the business logic?” It’s a great question, and one that can make all the difference in the scalability, maintainability, and overall success of your project. In this article, we’ll dive into the world of business logic and explore the best practices for placing it when using MongoDB.

What is Business Logic, Anyway?

Before we dive into where to put business logic, let’s define what it is. Business logic refers to the rules, processes, and algorithms that govern the behavior of your application. It’s the brain of your app, making decisions, enforcing rules, and performing complex calculations. In other words, business logic is what makes your application smart.

In a MongoDB-based application, business logic can include things like:

  • Validating user input
  • Calculating prices and taxes
  • Performing complex data processing
  • Enforcing access control and permissions
  • Managing workflows and state machines

The Options for Placing Business Logic

Now that we’ve defined business logic, let’s explore the options for placing it in a MongoDB-based application. You have three main options:

Option 1: Client-Side Business Logic

The first option is to place business logic on the client-side, typically in the user’s web browser or mobile app. This approach can be tempting, especially for simple applications, as it reduces the load on your server and allows for faster response times.

However, there are significant drawbacks to this approach:

  • Security: Client-side code can be easily tampered with or reverse-engineered, exposing sensitive business logic and data.
  • Maintenance: Client-side code can be difficult to maintain and update, especially across multiple platforms and devices.

Option 2: Server-Side Business Logic

The second option is to place business logic on the server-side, typically in your application server or API. This approach provides better security and control over your business logic, as it’s executed on your own servers.

However, there are still some drawbacks to consider:

  • Performance: Server-side business logic can add latency and overhead to your application, especially for complex calculations.
  • Scalability: Server-side business logic can become a bottleneck as your application grows, making it difficult to scale.

Option 3: Database-Side Business Logic

The third option is to place business logic on the database-side, typically using MongoDB’s built-in features like aggregation pipelines, map-reduce, and server-side functions. This approach provides the best of both worlds:

  • Security: Database-side business logic is executed on the database server, protecting sensitive data and logic.
  • Performance: Database-side business logic can be highly optimized for performance, leveraging MongoDB’s powerful query engine.
  • Scalability: Database-side business logic can scale horizontally with your database, handling high traffic and large datasets.

Best Practices for Placing Business Logic

So, where should you place your business logic when using MongoDB? The answer is: it depends. Here are some best practices to follow:

Rule 1: Keep it Simple

Simple business logic, such as data validation and formatting, can be placed on the client-side or server-side, depending on your specific needs.

// Client-side validation using JavaScript
if (!username || username.length < 3) {
  alert("Invalid username");

// Server-side validation using Node.js
app.post('/users', (req, res) => {
  if (!req.body.username || req.body.username.length < 3) {
    res.status(400).send({ error: 'Invalid username' });

Rule 2: Leverage MongoDB’s Built-in Features

Complex business logic, such as data processing and aggregation, should be placed on the database-side using MongoDB’s built-in features.

// Using MongoDB's aggregation pipeline to calculate prices
    $lookup: {
      from: "products",
      localField: "productId",
      foreignField: "_id",
      as: "product"
    $unwind: "$product"
    $addFields: {
      totalPrice: { $multiply: ["$quantity", "$product.price"] }

Rule 3: Use Server-Side Functions

When you need to perform complex calculations or access external services, use server-side functions to encapsulate your business logic.

// Defining a server-side function in MongoDB
  _id: "calculateTax",
  value: function(totalPrice, state) {
    // Calculate tax based on state and total price
    return totalPrice * (state.taxRate / 100);

// Calling the server-side function from the client-side
    $addFields: {
      totalPrice: { $call: "calculateTax", args: ["$totalPrice", "$state"] }

Rule 4: Keep it Modular

Break down your business logic into smaller, reusable modules or microservices. This will make it easier to maintain, update, and scale your application.

Module Description
Validation Handles client-side and server-side data validation
Pricing Calculates prices and taxes using MongoDB’s aggregation pipeline
Inventory Manages inventory levels and performs stock checks


Placing business logic in a MongoDB-based application requires careful consideration of security, performance, and scalability. By following the best practices outlined in this article, you can create a scalable, maintainable, and secure application that meets your business needs.

Remember to keep it simple, leverage MongoDB’s built-in features, use server-side functions, and keep it modular. With these strategies in place, you’ll be well on your way to building a successful MongoDB-based application.

So, where should you place your business logic when using MongoDB? The answer is: wherever it makes the most sense for your application. By following these guidelines, you’ll be able to make informed decisions about where to place your business logic, ensuring a successful and scalable application.

Frequently Asked Question

Are you stuck on where to place your business logic when using MongoDB? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered! Here are some answers to get you unstuck:

Q1: Should I put my business logic in my MongoDB documents?

No way! Your MongoDB documents should contain only data, not logic. Treat them as simple data storage units. Keep your business logic separate to maintain clean architecture and avoid data inconsistencies.

Q2: Can I put my business logic in MongoDB’s mapReduce functions?

Not recommended! While mapReduce is powerful, it’s meant for data processing and aggregation, not business logic. Keep your business logic in your application code, where it’s easier to maintain and test.

Q3: Should I use MongoDB’s aggregation pipeline for business logic?

Maybe, but be careful! The aggregation pipeline is great for data processing, but it can become complex and hard to maintain. Use it for simple data transformations, but keep complex business logic in your application code.

Q4: Where should I put my business logic in a Node.js application with MongoDB?

In your Node.js application code, of course! Create a separate layer for your business logic, using modules or services that interact with your MongoDB database. This way, you can keep your logic separate from your data storage.

Q5: What if I’m using a framework like Express.js or Koa.js? Where does business logic go then?

Even with a framework, keep your business logic in separate modules or services, but use the framework’s built-in features to integrate them with your application. For example, in Express.js, use middleware functions or separate controllers to keep your logic organized.